How Vintage Trainers aims to help the environment
Each year millions of discarded shoes are being sent to landfill sites. This means that landfills are rapidly running out of space which is unsustainable. These landfills are having effects on the environment including; air pollution, biodiversity impacts, groundwater pollution and soil fertility effects. There are around 1.2 million tonnes of rubbish per year from post consumer shoes. From this 85% goes to the landfill whilst only 15% goes on to be redistributed!
By using used trainers to give them a new life our business aims to be environment friendly. We buy our trainers second hand from many different sites. When they get to us we clean and recondition them. Our business also uses 100% Eco friendly degradable recyclable boxes to ship the trainers. We also use a whiteboard in the office to write down notes instead of using paper. Our overall goal is to help reduce the number of trainers that are added to our landfill sites each year.

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